Music Curriculum

Music Curriculum Support for all schools

Music curriculum support teaching to the National Curriculum and QCA guidelines is delivered by an expert and experienced team of class music teachers in 3 hour morning and 2.5 hour afternoon sessions.  Delivery is to Foundation, KS1 and KS2.  Support for class music teaching is offered throughout the primary age range from Nursery up to Year 6 and to Special Schools.

This offers a good opportunity for CPD when staff are present.  Alternatively, packages are available to schools where lessons can be modelled.  Schools receive long and medium lessons plans and the teachers carry out ongoing assessment activities. Large group singing in conjunction with school staff is available within the sessions.

We recommend that, where possible, lessons should be between 30 and 40 minutes in length and should take place with a class-size group in a designated music room/hall where music resources and instruments are available.

Secondary National Curriculum

Termly Annual
Cost for morning session £2,553 £7,659
Cost for afternoon session £2,182 £6,546

Special arrangements

For schools with other requirements, for example small schools, it is possible to discuss alternative arrangements with the Service.

Singing for Boys

As singing for boys has been identified as a weak area for some schools we now have a specialist vocal teacher who will visit the school on a weekly basis to teach singing to boys.  These sessions will be delivered in such a way as to encourage participation of boys in singing activities throughout the school.

Singing Staff Meetings – £75 per session

If you need help to implement your singing strategy why not book a singing staff meeting? This will enable all staff to be aware of the importance of singing in your school by discussion of the above, shared singing activities and new resources for singing across the curriculum.

Support Pianists

Pianists are available to provide musical accompaniments for assemblies, choral rehearsals and music lessons as a support to the class teacher. Resources to be provided by the school.  Due to the peripatetic nature of our staff, minimum booking is one hour per school.  If extra time is needed i.e. for Christmas Concerts, sessions will need to be booked well in advance and we require a written request and purchase order.
Hourly rate: £29.50