Governor Training

Gov: WEBINAR National Plan for Music – guidance for governors (v)

WEBINAR – does your school have a Music Development plan projecting 5 years – do you know your role as governor?


Understand the governor’s vital role in your schools responsibility in delivering the new National Plan for Music Education, get clarity on what questions to ask and how best to achieve completion of your school’s Music Development Plan.


The session will be led by Bradford Music & Arts Service, lead organisation of the Bradford’s Music Education Hub and will support governors in understanding the expectations of the Government’s requirements for music provision in primary and secondary schools in maintained, SEND, academy and independent schools. Do you know what you as governors should be doing?

The briefing will cover an outline of the government’s strategy and what is required in schools, what governors should ask and what should be in your curriculum; the financial aspects and how the Bradford Governor Hub can support your school.

The session will help governors understand the requirements. Do you have a Music Development Plan in your school or trust, how is this delivered, what is the 5 year strategy and what are the implications for the school.

The briefing will be delivered live on 20th September but will be recorded for further governors to book and watch it in the future, PLEASE BOOK A PLACE TO ATTEND OR IF YOU REQUIRE THE RECORDING even if you cannot attend the live session, we will then send the recording out to you, the week after the live session. The 20th September 2023 session will be followed by a live Question and Answer session.
The webinar is for governors of all maintained schools, Trust boards, Local Academy Board governors and for Independent school governors both in primary and secondary.

There will be a 45 minute presentation by Head of Service for the Bradford Music and Arts Service, Carl White, followed by Q&A where governors will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss issues.

In advance of the session please send any areas of interest or queries on Music curriculum or provision to and these will be passed on to the tutor.

The live webinar will be recorded and made available on demand through


Governors :
will understand the requirement of music delivery in schools,
will understand about the 5 year Music Development plan,
will have suggested questions governors can ask in school
will understand their strategic role and the government’s expectations.

Booking Information

Each participant must book a place (for live attendance or for the recording).The session will be recorded, if you are unable to attend, please still book a place if you require the recording (even if you cannot attend the 20th Sept session) you will then receive a copy of the recording as part of the course materials the week after the session. Please book on or contact to book a place or for any queries.
This is an interactive VIRTUAL Webinar using Microsoft Teams. Following confirmation of your booking you will be sent an invitation link to the meeting and instructions, if you are just booked for the recording please ignore the live link. You will need a microphone and ideally a camera on your device to access the question and answer session and discussion. As the webinar may include power point sharing it is not ideally suited to a phone. A laptop or tablet would be ideal. If you have any queries please do contact us at

School staff could choose to attend this governors session. Any queries please email


Governors, Trustees, Local Academy Board Governors, Named governor for Music